2 november 2020

Hoe staat het met EU-belofte regels te schrappen?

Tot dusver komt de Europese Commissie vooral met voorstellen voor nieuwe regels. Hoe staat het met de belofte om voor elke nieuwe regel een andere regel te schrappen?

In het eerste jaar van deze Europese Commissie blijft het daar nogal stil over. Vandaar dat Bert-Jan Ruissen schriftelijke vragen heeft gesteld aan de Europese Commissie. Dit gebeurde samen met zijn Zweedse collega-Europarlementslid Charlie Weimers:


Subject: Implementation of the ‘One in, One out’ principle

In the Working Methods of the European Commission presented in December 2019 President von der Leyen instructs the Commission to implement the “One in, One out” principle for all upcoming legislation.

Successful and aggressive implementation of such policies have contributed positively to economic growth and job creation by stemming the flow of regulation, red-tape and bureaucratic burden while increasing chances that non-regulatory ways of achieving policy goals are considered.

Considering the above stated facts, can the Commission:
Confirm that the “One in, One out” policy has been “applied coherently across the Commission services” as promised by President von der Leyen?

- Provide an update on the state of play of the new instrument promised to implement the ‘One in, One out’ principle for all upcoming legislation?

- Provide a full account of all legislation (regulations, directives, decisions and implementing decisions) enacted and repealed during the first year in office for the von der Leyen Commission?